In anticipation of Kelvoo's Terra, the sequel to Kelvoo's Testimonial, I'm making the ebook version Kelvoo's Testimonial available to all Kindle Unlimited subscribers! Kelvoo's Testimonial will be available to Kindle Unlimited subscribers until December 10, 2023. If the result is a great success, I'll think about leaving the book on KU. If not, it's back to the regular list price of $4.99 (US price). By the way, upon its release, Kelvoo's Terra will also be available on Kindle Unlimited! Stay tuned for my announcement of the official release date!
I'm delighted to reveal the cover of Kelvoo's Terra! My thanks to Alain Berset for his brilliant 3D rendering of the characters, and to Jan Westendorp for expertly using those characters in the overall cover design. I am in the home stretch of the publishing process, aiming for the launch in mid-October (possibly sooner). I'll keep you posted. If you would like me to notify you when Kelvoo's Terra is available, please drop me a note via the Contact form. Below, you'll see a mockup of the new cover, followed by the book's synopsis (the text for the back cover). KELVOO's TERRA - Synopsis:
Kelvoo is a survivor. Human first contact had a devastating effect on the kloormari species of Kelvoo’s home planet. No kloormar was impacted more profoundly than Kelvoo. Now, Kelvoo is on a mission to protect two young humans, Brenna and May—orphaned, abandoned, and left in Kelvoo’s care. After a generous job offer, pressure from the girls, and the chance to immigrate to Terra, Kelvoo must choose between a life of security and the risks of the human homeworld. Once on Terra, Kelvoo, Brenna, and May are welcomed with open arms. Terran life is full of wonders until a radical anti-immigrant movement unleashes a violent coup, plunging Terra into chaos and civil war. Will Kelvoo be able to protect Brenna and May, or will they all succumb to the hate and violence surrounding them? -- As the highly anticipated sequel to Kelvoo’s Testimonial, Kelvoo’s Terra combines suspense, political intrigue, and personal redemption as it dramatically explores the impact of ignorance and hate, versus the power of family and love, in a futuristic science fiction setting. Three months since my last post? Inexcusable!
Well, I do have one excuse . . . I've been putting everything else aside to work on the sequel to Kelvoo's Testimonial, and I'm delighted to say that I've just finished the first draft! Whew! Here's a synopsis of Kelvoo's Terra - An immigrant's tale ------------------------------- Kelvoo's Terra is set seven years after the era of Kelvoo's Testimonial. Kelvoo has made significant progress recovering from the trauma of captivity on Jezebel's Fury and the colonization of Kuw'baal by human settlers and business interests. Kelvoo's Testimonial has been published across the Planetary Alliance and has inspired massive reforms, known as "The Correction" on Terra, resulting in almost all humans leaving Kuw'baal. Reunited with the human orphans, Brenna and May, Kelvoo is the girls' legal guardian. The girls would like nothing more than to leave the dull, cloudy world of Kuw'baal and move to the legendary human home planet of Terra. Kelvoo is reluctant until a human professor offers Kelvoo an opportunity to teach at the Interplanetary University on Terra. Kelvoo, Brenna, and May move to Terra where they are warmly welcomed. Kelvoo loves teaching the students about extraterrestrial perspectives on human nature and Brenna and May fit right in, making friends and enjoying life. Unknown to Kelvoo, forces are at work on Terra to build a populist, anti-immigration movement. Funded by massively wealthy humans, The Human Independence Movements calls for the immediate deportation of all extraterrestrials, through violence "if necessary". Deeply troubled by the movement, Kelvoo is repeatedly assured that its leaders are just fringe lunatics whose movement will never amount to anything. Kelvoo's world is shattered when a wealthy member of the Human Independence Movement befriends Brenna and convinces her to betray Kelvoo and join the movement. When election time comes for selection of the next Terran government, the movement puts forward candidates for the newly formed Humanity Party. Much to the shock and disgust of the majority of humans, the Humanity Party wins with a minority of the popular vote. The other parties form an alliance to thwart every attempt to persecute Terra's extraterrestrial citizens. Driven by their hatred and frustration, and aided by the reappearance of the Brotherhood gangs, the Humanity Party unleashes a brutally violent uprising, plunging Terra into chaos, civil war, and interplanetary isolation. The mass deportation of non-humans begins, but a far worse fate is planned for Kelvoo, who is seen as an existential threat to humanity itself. Kelvoo's Terra is the story of Kelvoo and May as they struggle to survive and escape a world that had once welcomed them with open arms. ------------------------------- So, that's the first draft of my story's synopsis. I'm going to have to edit it and shorten it considerably before it is ever printed on the back cover. So, completion of the first draft marks the biggest step on the journey to publishing Kelvoo's Terra, but there is still a long way to go. Here's my partial to-do list:
Stay tuned for updates!
Not only was Kelvoo’s Testimonial my debut novel, it was my first attempt at any sort of commercial fiction. As such, I wasn’t confident that I had written something that would interest people. I thought it was good and my family and friends liked it, but I would have expected them to humor me no matter what they really thought. A few weeks before releasing my novel, the manuscript of Kelvoo’s Testimonial was sent to Kirkus Reviews. Kirkus is an independent reviewer of books and well known throughout the publishing industry. Publishing companies send new books to Kirkus for review, helping them to determine the quality of their new offerings from an independent, unbiased perspective. Kirkus Reviews also offers their services to independent authors like me. That’s how Kelvoo’s Testimonial found its way to Kirkus. When Kirkus reviews a book, they don’t use a rating system (e.g. 1 – 5 stars). They typically provide a paragraph of information and a one-line summary. Once in a while, Kirkus will provide a “starred review” for what they term, “books of remarkable merit”. About 10 percent of books from major publishers earn a Kirkus star. That number drops to between 1 and 2 percent of “indie” books. Shortly after I released Kelvoo’s Testimonial, Kirkus Reviews informed me that Kelvoo’s Testimonial had been awarded a starred review! I could hardly believe it! That day, I was bouncing off the walls with unmitigated glee! Today, the news is ten times better! Each year, Kirkus Reviews selects the best books of the year from its list of books with starred reviews. Every December, Kirkus releases its list of their 100 best indie books. I was overjoyed beyond words when I learned the Kelvoo’s Testimonial had been honored with inclusion in that list! I just might have to start taking myself seriously as an author! Order your copy of Kelvoo's Testimonial For the eBook, click here For paperback or hardcover, click here ![]() About a year ago, I joined Twitter, not knowing a whole lot about the platform. The whole thing seemed odd to me. I didn't really get the point of tiny messages about random stuff. My intent was to use the platform to promote Kelvoo's Testimonial, but I couldn't comprehend how to make Twitter work for me. Earlier this summer, I decided to reply to tweets that used the #WritersLift hashtag, which invite authors to post a blurb about their current work. I started to get some positive feedback and a better understanding of Twitter, and I began to see some positive results. I also used Twitter to browse, and sometimes respond to, social and political tweets. In doing so, I was disturbed by the amount of misinformation and negativity on the platform. Things started changing as soon as a certain billionaire took control of Twitter. With the future of Twitter in doubt, I set-up an account on a similar platform called Mastodon. There are a few key differences with Mastodon vs. Twitter:
As an author, the disadvantage of Mastodon is that it isn't as open to self-promotion, so I won't use it to tell people to buy my book. Nevertheless, I can answer questions or share positive news about Kelvoo's Testimonial when it is appropriate to do so. Essentially, spending time on Twitter and then on Mastodon feels like leaving a crowded room full of screaming, angry people and hucksters, and entering a calm glade in the forest on a lovely summer day, surrounded by happy, helpful, interesting beings! For now, I'm keeping a presence in both worlds, waiting to see what happens next. My presence on Mastodon isn't huge just yet, but if you'd like to check out my profile and a few of my posts, just visit Order your copy of Kelvoo's Testimonial
For the eBook, click here For paperback or hardcover, click here Is a Sequel to Kelvoo's Testimonial in the Works? The answer is a definite "Maybe"! I was encouraged by recent positive reviews for Kelvoo's Testimonial, so in June 2022, I started on a second book that picks up the plot about seven years after the first book ends. I didn't get far. I found myself bogged down in the details, explaining the events during the seven year gap while I also tried to summarize the main events in Kelvoo's Testimonial for those who hadn't read it. The results were boring and, to be honest, I felt bored while writing. I put my efforts on hold in late July when I left on a road trip vacation through northern British Columbia and the Yukon. The road trip was epic and inspirational! When I returned in late August, I threw out my previous efforts and started again. This time, things have been different. The new story is smoothly flowing through my keyboard and onto my screen. I am finding ways to naturally blend information from Kelvoo's Testimonial and the gap between books into the new story. Best of all, I'm enjoying the writing process as much as I did when I wrote Kelvoo's Testimonial. The working title for my next book is Kelvoo's Terra. Of course, that could change. If you've read the first book, you may have a few questions about my next book, such as:
These questions will be answered in my next book, provided that I finish writing and publishing it. Here's what needs to happen for the next book to see the light of day (in chronological order):
This brings us to the question of "when?" I can only answer in vague terms. If all of the items in the preceding list come to pass, I will be aiming for sometime in 2023. Of course, in saying that, I've just put myself under pressure! What do you think about a sequel to Kelvoo's Testimonial? If you'd like to offer your encouragement, or if you want to say, "For God's sake, don't do it!" please let me know. You can leave a comment on this blog post or reach me via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or the "Contact" page on this website. Order your copy of Kelvoo's Testimonial For the eBook, click here For paperback or hardcover, click here I haven't made any blog posts for a while, so I thought I'd take an opportunity to report that some excellent reviews have been coming in, especially on Amazon! Rather than repeating all of the reviews in this blog post, I've just added a new Reviews page to this website, where you can see a sampling. For this post, here is one of my recent favorites from How They See Us - An Alien Perspective An autobiography (even a fictional sci-fi autobiography), if written honestly, is going to reveal the truth about its narrator and the narrator’s perception of others (i.e., humans, in this case): the bad, the good, the ugly, and the beautiful. The narrator in this case is Kelvoo, an alien from the pristine planet, Kuw’baal, and a member of the Kloormari species. Sam Buchanan, a human who will become Kelvoo’s best friend, describes the Kloormari in his Preface to Kelvoo’s Testimonial as “unparalleled multi-taskers.” The Kloormari are blessed with extremely versatile bodies, photographic memory, unlimited vocal range, a seemingly infinite ability to learn complex information and to apply acquired knowledge with staggering speed and efficiency. The Kloormari are also innocent as children. Imagination, passion, ambition, greed, deception, love, hate, all those complex and paradoxical emotions and qualities that both doom and elevate humans are completely foreign to them. That is, until a human research vessel lands on Kuw’baal and makes First Contact with this interesting species. And though the first humans Kelvoo and his species encounter are well-meaning and make a favorable impression, the Kloormari eventually become vulnerable to less honorable humans (and also become more humanlike, for better or worse), leading to a series of disorienting and traumatic events. This futuristic tale is eminently contemporary, concerned with destructive human behaviors such as war, drug addiction, sex trafficking, economic exploitation, bigotry, replacement theory, and so on. Bailey skillfully weaves into the story detailed technical material and creative world building to please even the most demanding hard sci-fi fan. But he has also created an alien species that can move the human heart to laughter or tears. Yes, this is the alien Kelvoo’s testimonial, but it’s really about us, the people we choose to be and the way we choose to engage the universe and those who are different from us. Will we be guided by our better angels, or by our demons? That’s a choice each of us has to make. Order your copy of Kelvoo's Testimonial
For the eBook, click here For paperback or hardcover, click here May 14, 2022 - Today's the day! Today, Kelvoo's Testimonial became available in eBook and hardcover formats around the world. Although the softcover version has been available in most markets for a few weeks, I'm counting today as the official launch since the eBook makes Kelvoo's Testimonial widely available at a far lower cost. If you have an e-reader, you can order Kelvoo's Testimonial for just $4.99 in the US, $6.49 in Canada, £3.99 in the UK, €4.59 in the Eurozone, and an equivalent amount in other countries. If you have a Kindle e-reader, you'll find Kelvoo's Testimonial in Amazon's Kindle store. If you have a Kobo, Nook, or other e-reader, look for Kelvoo's Testimonial at Kobo, Barnes & Noble/Indigo, Apple Books, Scribd, Angus & Robertson, Thalia, Mondadori, or Vivlio.
Order your copy of Kelvoo's Testimonial
For the eBook, click here For paperback or hardcover, click here
Order your copy of Kelvoo's Testimonial
For the eBook, click here For paperback or hardcover, click here Starting Monday, May 2nd, Kelvoo's Testimonial will be available from Bolen Books in Hillside Mall! Bolen has set aside space for my display right on top of the Local Authors section! Founded in 1975, Bolen Books has weathered many a storm that has resulted in the closure of the great majority of independent booksellers. Today, Bolen is as strong and independent as ever in its lovely 17,000 square foot space. I am humbled and honoured that Bolen Books is carrying Kelvoo's Testimonial and I greatly value Bolen's support of local authors. Order your copy of Kelvoo's Testimonial
For the eBook, click here For paperback or hardcover, click here To purchase a copy from Bolen Books, visit the store or click here |
December 2024
Blog posts in chronological orderWhat is Kelvoo's Testimonial?
A bit about me The publishing process - Editorial Evaluation Who or what are the Kloormari? What's the twist that differentiates Kelvoo's Testimonial? Which issues does Kelvoo's Testimonial address? Where did the idea of Kelvoo's Testimonial originate? Is Kelvoo's Testimonial intended to reflect the experiences of native people in the Americas? Book cover - Initial concepts Depicting Kelvoo - My work with an amazing artist Book cover - Final selection website launch! Original Song #1 - The Boys of Jezebel's Fury Original Song #2 - Home on the Yangtze Original Song #3 - Flying Away My First Printed Copy My First Review and Bookstore Order! Now Available at Bolen Books! Kelvoo's Testimonial gets a Kirkus Starred Review! Official Launch Day! More Reviews! A Sequel to Kelvoo's Testimonial? Come Visit Me on Mastodon Phenomenal News from Kirkus Reviews! First Draft of Kelvoo's Terra Completed! Kelvoo's Terra - Cover Reveal! Kelvoo and Kindle Unlimited Kelvoo's Terra - Official Launch! Kelvoo's Books in your Local Bookstore Kelvoo's Terra - First Amazon Reviews Book 3 - Kelvoo's Teachings - First Draft Kelvoo's Testimonial featured on Podcast Kelvoo's Teachings - Official Announcement Kelvoo's Teachings - Launch Day! My Five Favorite First Contact Sci-Fi Books How Long did it take to Write Kelvoo's Teachings? Now, I'm a Full-Time Author! |